Lighting your path up to help

transform, heal your heart & grow.

What is “it”? It’s all of the things we do, think, and feel that prevent us from living a life where we are at peace with ourselves, and surrounded by love and support.

We promise to work side-by-side with you to help you move from feeling stuck to a place of freedom, where hurts can be healed and you can move forward toward the life you deserve.

Over the years we have worked with adolescents, young adults, couples and families helping them tackle a variety of challenges. If you are struggling with an Eating Disorder, Anxiety, Depression, or Trauma, or trying to acclimate to a new environment, or you just want to get to know yourself better - Eden Therapy Co. can be there to help you.

Through creativity, structured interventions, and faith we will challenge and help you to understand yourself at a deeper level and move through pain points, to build the life you want. Whether we do it by using psychodrama, EMDR, group sessions or plain old talk therapy, we can work it out. 


Drop us a line below and let’s get started figuring it out!

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Intimate Group Sessions

Together. We believe in the power of God to move through the group experience allowing us to heal and transform. As we see our voices, hurts and needs reflected in the eyes of others we are empowered to make changes in our lives outside of therapy and realize we are not alone. (Teletherapy / face to face)

1:1 Sessions

You are unique! If you choose to work with us individually we will use the tools that YOU need to heal. We commit to holding hope, using creative and traditional forms of therapy to help you change, and eventually transform into who you were created to be with purpose. Are you ready to shine a light on your pain points to heal? Don’t be surprised if we laugh. (Teletherapy / face to face) 

Group Therapy

Individual therapy

In-Person Family Therapy

Unify. Family therapy is about building bridges between family members that have been blocked. In family relationships where we may feel that we are not seen, heard or understood my goal is connection. You may not agree but you can support and love each other as you walk through your journey as a family..together not apart. Let’s light up the places where hurts have happened in families and make space for healing. (Teletherapy / face to face)


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Do you have a goal you want to achieve and for some reason you see that it is tough to get there? It may be wanting support at meal time to repair your relationship with food, you may want to engage in personal development or even wanting to find your purpose, we are here to partner with you! What are you waiting for, let’s shine the light, take steps towards the goals you want to accomplish. We are ready to coach you into the life God has always had for you. (Teletherapy / face to face)


Couples Sessions

Embark on a journey of relational growth with couples therapy. Our team can help bridge the gap between you and your partner, strengthening bonds and working on meaningful communication. Together we navigate challenges and build a strong foundation for a lasting, fulfilling relationship. We will teach you and your couple valuable resources that empower you to thrive emotionally and intimately. Uncover the tools you need for a resilient and joyous connection at every stage of your shared life! Are you ready? (Teletherapy / face to face)

COUPLES therapy

Sesiones Íntimas de Grupo

Creemos en el poder de Dios que nos permite movernos a través de la experiencia de otras personas, permitiéndonos sanar y transformarnos nosotros mismos. Cuando escuchamos los testimonios de otras personas; sus experiencias, heridas y necesidades y al mismo tiempo expresamos las nuestras, nos sentimos respaldados, acompañados. Nos damos cuenta de que no estamos solos. Esto a su vez nos empodera para llevar a cabo cambios en nuestras vidas.

Acuérdate que somos únicos

Si decides que vas a trabajar con nosotros de manera individual le facilitaremos las herramientas necesarias para que se sane. Nos comprometemos a mantener la esperanza viva utilizando actividades tradicionales, así como creativas, que le ayudarán a cambiar, y, eventualmente transformarse en la persona con propósito, para el cual fuiste creada.



Terapia Familiar

Unifica. Esta forma de terapia tiene el propósito de crear puentes de comunicación entre los miembros de una familia que han sido bloqueados. Cuando sientes que dentro de tu familia no eres tomada en cuenta: tu voz no se escucha, o no te entienden, debemos de crear esa conexión familiar que ha desaparecido o nunca ha existido. Esto solo se logrará todos unidos como familia. Iluminaremos los lugares donde han ocurrido heridas, y con apoyo mutuo, crearemos el espacio necesario para lograr una sanción. (Terapia presencial en familia)


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¿Tiene una meta que desea alcanzar y por alguna razón ve que es difícil lograrla? Es posible que desee apoyo a la hora de la comida para reparar su relación con la comida, es posible que desee participar en el desarrollo personal o incluso que desee encontrar su propósito, ¡estamos aquí para colaborar con usted! Qué estás esperando, hagamos brillar la luz, demos pasos hacia las metas que quieres lograr. Estamos listos para guiarlo hacia la vida que Dios siempre ha tenido para usted.

Entrenador de vida

Sesiones de Relaciones

Embárquese en un viaje de crecimiento relacional dentro de la terapia de pareja. Queremos cerrar la brecha entre tú y tu pareja, fortaleciendo vuestros vínculos y trabajando la comunicación. Juntos superaremos los desafíos y construiremos las bases para una relación duradera y satisfactoria. Esperamos enseñarle a usted y a su pareja recursos valiosos que les permitan prosperar emocional e íntimamente. ¡Descubra las herramientas que necesita para una conexión mas intima con su pareja ! ¿Estás listo?


Eden Therapy Co has really helped me with my struggles and helped me to become a better, happier person.

They are extremely kind and you can tell that they truly care about helping you grow. They put a lot of thought into their sessions and are great listeners. They are the perfect people to talk to when you need to vent, and provide excellent advice. 

Their support and guidance has brought me a long way in my mental health journey, and I am a much happier person than I was when I first started. 

Se que estoy en lugar correcto para emprender el viaje a mi sanación.

Con Angie he podido trabajar en poco a poco ir llenando de luz los lugares en mi corazón donde pensaba que solo había oscuridad. Con Dios como el centro de mi vida y con la ayuda de Angie he podido ocupar los vacíos en mi con personas, experiencias y valores que reflejan la vida que Dios tiene preparada para mi y la felicidad plena que se que puedo alcanzar. A pesar de que los cambios son procesos que duelen y muchas veces me atemoricen, se que Angie es la persona que Dios puso en mi camino para alcanzar mi completa recuperación. - -AMC

Angie's patience, compassion, insight, and wisdom constantly amaze me.

So many times, I was ready for her to give up on me, and so many times she has shown me that she didn't, and that she won't. She held hope for me, and faith in my ability to recover so many times when I couldn't do it for myself. And now, she has helped me to build that hope and faith within myself. It's been so long since I even worried about staying out of the hospital. Now I take that as a given, and we work towards so much bigger things. Angie has helped me to see that I can do the hard things, and that my stubborn nature can work in my favor as I work to pursue my true goals and dreams. 

I am writing to wholeheartedly recommend Leslie Denis, from Eden Therapy Co. 

Her compassionate and patient approach, coupled with the ability to create a safe and non-judgmental environment, has not only helped us navigate our toughest challenges but also instilled a sense of hope and resilience in our family. We are profoundly grateful for the positive and life-altering impact that Leslie has made, truly embodying the role of a family member in our journey towards healing and growth.

I love having Marian as my therapist. 

I believe that she has helped me a lot with everything and in all aspects of my life. She gives good counsel and helps me to uncover solutions. She also reassures me when I need it. 

My family has been blessed to have met Leslie and Angie at Eden.

They helped dig us out of darkness and lift my pre-teen daughter up through a difficult chapter of her life. Their honesty, steadfastness, and dedication have been the keys to her successful recovery. Leslie, in particular, has been able to connect with my daughter and gently guide her through the challenges of adolescence while confronting her insecurities.